
Brand Guidelines

Problem: Dreams was starting to feel generic and lacked core identity and innovative visuals. It needs to be remembered for the right reasons. Dreams’ visual identity across the touchpoints internally and externally was disjointed and need aligning.

Solution: Working with leading agencies M+C Saatchi and Uncommon i was able to create a set of brand guidelines that worked across the business. This project is by no means finished and is constantly being evolved and updated to fit with the ever changing climate. I identified that utilising the core colours throughout were key to the success and also updating to modern font typefaces and clear text hierarchies. I introduced a “device” that could be recognisable with spotlights and an iconic crescent with the addition of a new infographic language.

Design System Manager (DSM)

Problem: Inconsistant visuals, spacings and details in Dreams digital products was common and the inaccuracies needed to minimised.

Solution: A project championed by me from the beginning and was a game changer for Dreams once it was introduced across the buisness and Dreams' external agencies. I put considerable research into the best practices with the future in mind whilst building the DSM within inVision before it was fully populated. The component library within sketch was built up and designed alongside an online guide that was also implemented. This was the start of something great for Dreams and is only going to grow as the brand develops.

Online DSM →