
Re-platform and creative overhaul

Problem: Dreams.co.uk website is a mix of updates and changes that have occurred over the past 5 years with no brand guardian, thus consistency is lacking. Functional but not pretty.

Solution: In 2017 a project to migrate Dreams.co.uk from Magento CMS to SAP Hybris was started this presented a perfect opportunity for me to make some major changes to the UI and UX; redesigning it from the ground up. Understanding the customer and how the website is used was key for this to prove a success. I started with outlining the requirements of the new site and understanding what changes were required, from here, working closely with key stakeholders I was able to produce designs to meet company objectives. In order to make the proposed changes, I worked alongside an external UX agency where together we mapped out the customer journeys and designs to form an architecture and structure that then formed a base for the initial design concept and styling; thus allowing for streamlining of the customer journey, simplifying the experience and modernising the brand look and feel. Working in this manner enabled me to design a fully integrated responsive site using a mobile first approach. I oversaw this project from the initial concept, through the design stage and ensuring the build, development and testing was completed correctly. Having this level of overview has ensured brand guidelines are upheld and problems were highlighted at the earliest opportunity. Further to this I have introduced a design system, guidelines and a suite of illustrations to align the design language.